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There are two reasons to switch to I AM NOT PAPER, one is eco and the other is economic. 

The facts are, the high price of tree based wood pulp paper in China, Asia, Europe and the US is yet to peak. 

Demand is outstripping capacity. And the reasons are simple.

Trees just don’t grow quickly enough to keep up with demand. 

The result is, manufacturers are left with one a fundamental business problem – how to pass on higher upstream costs to downstream users.

Recycling is helping, but nowhere enough.
Is there a solution? Yes there is and it is here to satisfy your packaging needs from both an eco and economic point of view.

We work with agricultural sectors to replace unsustainable tree-based paper with an unlimited supply of price stable, fast growing plant fibres and agricultural by-products called PlantPulp. 

This raw material is then transformed it into our signature paper replacement material, IAM NOT PAPER and converted into finished packaging and print media.

Switch to it and your packaging will gain the marketing edge of being sustainable while protecting your bottom line against ever-rising prices of unsustainable packaging materials.